Saturday, December 28, 2019

This is how gender equality is changing dating

This is how gender equality is changing datingThis is how gender equality is changing datingOn their first date, Mia and Josh talked as if theyd known each other for years. Josh loved Mias wit Mia delighted in Joshs warmth and ready smile. Their relationship blossomed, but doubts crept up on both of them now and again.Josh was the primary caregiver for a child from a previous marriage, and his financial prospects were dim. That didnt really bother Mia, since Joshs personality mora than made up for it. Still, he wasnt her usual type the type that was much younger than her, plus athletic and handsome to boot. Josh, meanwhile, had been dreaming of a cashed-up woman with high ambitions, position and education, ideally with a PhD (or two). Mias mere MA was a bit of a sticking point. It was the norm, after all, for men to be the ones to marry up.This scenario probably sounds strange, and it should Ive invented an anecdote about how the heterosexual dating scene might look 100 years in the future. Currently, the desire for a young, attractive partner of the opposite sex tends to be mora prevalent in men than in women. Women, meanwhile, are more likely to prioritise money and status over youth and beauty. Why?Many evolutionary psychologists put this trend down to the power of innate biological drives. Their argument is that women have a primeval urge to hang on to wealthy men to provide for their children during the long period of pregnancy and childrearing. Men, meanwhile, are mostly concerned about a womans fertility, for which beauty and youth serve as helpful cues. In the distant past, this behaviour was adaptive, and so evolution selected and encoded it in our genes, forever.Sure, the rituals of modern mating look very different to those of our ancestors. Nevertheless, the same sexual strategies used by our ancestors operate today with unbridled force, as the psychologist David Buss put it in The Evolution of Desire(2003). Our evolved psychology of mating, after all, plays out in the modern world because it is the only mating psychology we mortals possess. (Theres little historical or intercultural research on LGBT mate preferences such questions are clearly important, but sadly there isnt yet sufficient data to examine them properly.)However, there has been a tectonic shift in gender roles over the past 50 years. As recently as the 1980s, female flight attendants in the United States could be fired if they got married, and womens right to vote wasnt universally enforced in Switzerland until 1990. Wouldnt we expect these changing relationship mores to make a dent in the mating preferences of straight men and women? Or are we still at the mercy of our biological destiny, as evolutionary psychologists claim?The results from the researchare clear mating preferences among men and women look increasingly similar. The trend is directly tied to increasing gender equality, as women gain greater access to resources and opportunities in business, pol itics and education.In more gender-unequal nations, such as Turkey, women rate the earning potential of partners as twiceas important compared with women in the most gender-equal nations, such as Finland. As with Josh and Mia, Finnish men are now more likely than Finnish women to select partners based on their high level of education.Of course, sexism varies within each society, and a nations overall level of gender-equality doesnt necessarily translate to gender-equal attitudes among individuals. But if mating preferences are biologically predetermined, individual sexism shouldnt have an impact. However, research carried out in nine nations proves the opposite. The more gender-unequal mens personal attitudes, the more they prefer qualities in women such as youth and attractiveness and the more gender-unequal womens attitudes, the more they prefer qualities in men such as money and status.This evidence points to some serious flaws in the evolutionary psychologists narrative. If gene s determine our mating preferences, how is it that these supposedly hardwired instincts erode in line with societies and individuals gender-egalitarianism?To be fair, evolutionary psychologists acknowledge that cultural factors and local customs can affect how people choose their partners. But gender equality isnt considered to be one of these factors, since even in relatively gender-equal societies, the eu-agrarpolitik between men and womens preferences is only reduced, not eliminated. However, the counter-punch is that evidence of a lingering gap actually supports ourcase the difference is only narrowed to the extent that gender equality is attained. Getting rid of it entirely would require complete gender equality, which doesnt yet exist.Regrettably, traditional gender roles persist even in very egalitarian societies. In one Danish study, husbands whose wives out-earned them were more likely than other husbands to use erectile dysfunction medication. One interpretation is that th e husbands felt under pressure to exhibit their virility, because they couldnt claim the role of provider another view was that the loss of breadwinner status somehow led to impotence. In another study in the US, single women downplayed their career goals and toned down their assertiveness in the hope of making themselves more desirable to men. However, if the importance that men attribute to womens good education and earning prospects continues to grow, these tactics might eventually cease to be effective.What if a society actually did achieve perfect gender equality? Would women and men hold essentially identical partner preferences? My hunch is that womens and mens choices might never completely converge. The key difference is likely to come down to the demands of breastfeeding following the birth of a child an activity thats energy-intensive, time-consuming, and quite difficult to integrate with paid work, at least as work is currently structured. The implication is that women will seek to replace this anticipated loss of income by choosing husbands with good earning prospects. This decision will have little to do to with some primeval urge for a great male protector, however it will be guided by rational calculations about future needs. Moreover, progressive social policy, changes to the workplace, and greater participation of fathers in childcare could all mitigate such career-compromising pressures.My students sometimes ask me whether gender-equal partner preferences would be desirable. They seem concerned that such equality could snuff out the spark from our love lives. Another risk is that levelling out mating preferences could lead to more marriages of equals, which could in turn entrench economic inequality. But according to the latest gender-gap report for 2017, theres little reason for worry. Given the current rate of change, it will be some time before Josh and Mia get together we have at least another 100 years to wait before gender parity is a chieved.Marcel Zentner is a hochschulprofessor of Psychology at University of Innsbruck.This article was originally published at Aeon and has been republished under Creative Commons.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Selling Yourself in the Job Search

Selling Yourself in the Job SearchSelling Yourself in the Job SearchWhat?? This eclectic, accomplished professional immediately lumps himself along with thousands of others by picking one of the most generic things on his resume. The MBA was from a good school, yes. It was an interesting counterparte to his otherwise very technical background, check. So it deserves to be mentioned, sure. But leid first Its still much more plain vanilla than any of the other things he also had.So, rule 1 for your pitch is to lead with the memorable. As a recruiter, Ive interviewed tons of MBAs (this guy wanted a financial services career, so no shortage of MBAs there). But, I can count the number of successful entrepreneurs and/ or fashion models. Are you a black belt in karate, a former prima ballerina, fluent in multiple languages? Dont be afraid to be unique.Im not suggesting to not mention the MBA at all. Its a key part of his added value because he has the finance and technology combination. But its the combination thats so interesting. So, rule 2 is to frame your qualities so that they build on each other. Absolutely mention the different degrees youve completed, industries where youve worked, and functional roles that youve held. But weave them into a coherent plot line so that each adds a welcome dimension, not just another factoid for me to remember. So you started and sold a tech company and have an MBA from Top School X interesting comboResults still matter. The wine stood out because it was Paris, the modeling was significant because he had worked at a top level, and the entrepreneurship added value because of his successful exit. (The MBA also fits in nicely because its from a top school.) You cant just mention every interesting thing you do, like fluency in Pig Latin, if there is no business context. When I listed out black belt, prima ballerina or language fluency as possible unique items, these are all levels of mastery.So, rule 3 is to pick the qualities tha t have substantive results to back them up. You want to intrigue but also amaze.Your pitch is how you introduce yourself at networking events, informational interviews, on your cover letter, to your friends friends. It is how you answer that interview staple, Tell me about yourself. It defines your brand and therefore drives your search. The pitch is critical to positioning yourself for the right role at the right level. Be memorable. Build on your strengths. Lead with results.Posted by Caroline Ceniza-Levine

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why hiring average employees can be dangerous

Why hiring average employees can be dangerousWhy hiring average employees can be dangerousEvery leader knows that bad employees are bad for business, but average employees can be even worse. A recent McKinsey Company paper suggested a reason why, saying that average employees performance ratings do not indicate future performance.Several years ago, the Harvard Business Review outlined the massive effort average employees require to be trained and maintained, as well as to function. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh has estimated that his company has lost more than $100 million since its inception over its efforts to turn the wrong people into good fits.Yet, while everyone deserves a chance to succeed, why keep an average employee when a high performer or future leader is out there?Average employees arent average everywhere. Sometimes, the right person is just sitting in the wrong seat. Letting unterstellung employees go can be difficult, but when the right seat is one at a different company, pa rting ways is likely better for everyone involved.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.How do mediocre employees present themselves? Here are three red flags1. They dont acknowledge when theyre falling shortThe best employees always see opportunities for improvement, while average ones think theyre doing well in every area. Self-awareness is a hallmark of a great employee if someone on yur team lacks it, he or she could be holding back the rest of that team.Professors at DePaul University conducted an experiment on how self-awareness relates to a teams effectiveness Teams with members who were convinced they were contributing more than they really were turned out to be adjudged as being less effective. The chances of their teams success were actually halved.This issue is bad enough on its own but is magnified when an employee continues to repeat mistakes after being properly traine d.We all have blind spots, but great team members strive to identify and correct them. In fact, theres a practice Benjamin Franklin followed to remain self-aware of his personal net worth - he maintained a balance sheet of traits about himself that he admired, and traits he found to be liabilities.Franklin believed he could grow in character through just this kind of self-awareness (and todays research indicates he was right). Conversely, average team members deny blind spots existence or think everyone else is overreacting to their missteps.2. Theyre unwilling to learn new skills (or improve old ones)As leader, you should gauge employees willingness to improve by how they receive feedback. Those who are unlikely to change or grow tend to take feedback as criticism. On the other hand, those who strive to be better appreciate feedback as helpful advice on how to improve.Average employees fear failure and the appearance of incompetence.They dont take chances, even when those chances could teach them new skills. Great employees are those driven by goals they accept that they make missteps if they can learn new things from their efforts. They own their failures and seek challenges - even when those failures are due to circumstances beyond their control.To discover employees willingness to improve, give them the freedom and flexibility to explore their passions at work. 3M instituted this philosophy decades ago, leading one employee to invent the Post-it in his downtime.At our company, we offer a program called AP Fellows to help our team members grow personally and professionally by learning leadership skills. Team members have to apply to join the program, do homework, give presentations and be willing to deeply engage with one another.Some who go through AP Fellows come out realizing that while they love working at AP, their career passions lie elsewhere. We fully embrace that and do whatever we can to create a smooth transition to the next chapter of their pr ofessional lives.3. They love to play the victimWhile great employees seek solutions, average employees love it when an adequate excuse presents itself. They focus on problems, and when a big one comes along, they point to that as the reason they couldnt accomplish their goal.Obstacles truly are too large to overcome sometimes - but the question is how the person handles it. Is this employee glad to be rid of the responsibility or accountable for his or her inability to finish?Average employees seek opportunities to relinquish control - and accountability along with it. This mentality can be dangerous if left unchecked. When one employee seeks opportunities to pass blame, others may feel unfairly saddled with that responsibility.Whats worse is that the blame game spreads like the flu A study by professors at Stanford University and the University of Southern California revealed that watching and/or hearing someone blame another person can cause others to do the same.If this patter n starts to develop at your company, identify the culprit quickly and start an honest conversation about expectations.For example, a client recently presented us with a complex affiliate recruitment challenge. It was what some business folks like to call a BHAG - a big, hairy, audacious goal - with a tight deadline. On the surface, the project never should have been completed. There were too many opportunities to fail and not enough resources. If just one team member had claimed victim status along the way, that declaration might have killed the whole endeavor.Fortunately, our team members all stayed accountable, believing in their collaborative efforts. What easily could have been a missed opportunity turned into a huge accomplishment.Identifying and terminating people who arent stretching their abilities doesnt mean issuing a sink-or-swim ultimatum. When it becomes apparent that an employee will require a disproportionate investment to succeed or may never reach the level of his or her peers, we initiate our Mindful Transition program.Solution Mindful TransitionMindful Transition is our solution to positive employee departures. Throughout our organization, we readily encourage open communication about goals and expectations. If and when our culture or the type of work we do is no longer a good fit for a team member, we provide flexible time for him or her to transition into something that is.This could be a job at another company or even the effort to start his or her own business. All we ask is that team members be transparent about their willingness to move on and maintain an acceptable standard of work while theyre still with us.Average employees shouldnt dictate a companys success. Demand excellence from employees, give them the resources they need to achieve it and reward them when they meet expectations. If an employee doesnt meet those standards, initiate a Mindful Transition to put both parties in a better position moving forward.Robert Glazer is t he founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners and the author of the international bestselling book Performance Partnerships. Join 35,000 multinational leaders who follow his inspirational weekly Friday Forward or invite him to speak.This post first appeared on Quora.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

ASME to Release Three New Concise Monographs

ASME to Release Three New Concise Monographs ASME to Release Three New Concise Monographs ASME to Release Three New Concise MonographsASME Press will publish the three latest entries in its Concise Monograph Series later this month. ASME members will save $20 off the retail price of each of the books, which can be pre-ordered now on Toward Consistent Design Evaluation of Nuclear Power Piping by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis by Lingfu Zeng, Lennart Jansson and Nils-Erik Wiberg is part of the Nuclear Engineering and Technology for the 21st Century Monograph Series. This 80-page book addresses several issues that are essential for achieving a consistent design-by-analysis in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, including nonlinear alternative rules, fatigue, thermal ratcheting, dynamic loads, strain-based criteria, nonlinear finite element procedures, supports under combined stresses, among others. Unlike other publications on piping, this monograph is focused on commercial software and current practices for power uprate and life extension of aging nuclear power facilities. The second new book, Magnetic Bearings for Mechanical Cardiac Assist Devices, is part of the Biomedical and Nanomedical Technologies Monograph Series. Written by Steven Day, Shanbao Cheng, and Arnold David Gomez, this 64-page publication examines magnetic bearings - mechatronic devices that produce contact-free electromagnetic force to support a load, such as a moving train or a spinning rotor - and their use in rotary ventricular assist devices (VADs) to increase design life, reduce or eliminate material wear and bearing maintenance, as well as to increase biocompatibility by eliminating high-fluid stresses and heat generation. The book explores the typical structures of passive bearings, which are comprised entirely of permanent magnets, and active magnetic bearings (AMB), which use electromagnets and position sensors to control the position of the rotor. It also discusses the components of a typical AMB system, including the actuator, position sensor, controller, and amplifier, as well as different structures of electromagnet actuators, coils design, and iron selection. The third book, Thermoactive Foundations for Sustainable Buildings, is the latest monograph in the Technologies for Sustainable Life collection, which explore the interface between engineering and the environmental sustainability agenda. Thermoactive Foundations for Sustainable Buildings presents the latest multi-disciplinary advances in modeling, designing, and monitoring thermo-active foundations (TAFs), also known as thermal or energy piles. TAFs offer innovative and sustainable alternatives to ground-source heat pumps and other conventional heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems to heat and cool commercial and residential buildings in a number of regions throughout the world. The price for each of the thre e new titles is $79 apiece for ASME members, and $99 each for non-members. To pre-order a copy of Toward Consistent Design Evaluation of Nuclear Power Piping by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, Magnetic Bearings for Mechanical Cardiac Assist Devices, or Thermoactive Foundations for Sustainable Buildings, visit http//

Monday, December 9, 2019

New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume Templates for Free

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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Appeal of Top Executive Resume Writing Service

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Friday, November 29, 2019

Sample Resume for Filmmaker Job Position

Sample Resume for Filmmaker Job PositionSample Resume for Filmmaker Job PositionCreate this Resume Gary Jenkins632 Robinson CourtSaginaw, MI 48601(444)-169-4483g.jenkinstmail.comObjectiveIn search of a primary position as a Filmmaker in well established production company to further enhance chosen field of endeavor. Summary of QualificationsHighly creative and resourcefulResult oriented and goal drivenAbility to communicate effectively Knowledgeable in all aspect of film productionAbility to motivate staff and co-workersProfessional ExperienceFilmmaker, January 2007- PresentCabal Productions, Brooklyn, NY ResponsibilitiesControlled and managed the administrative and financial function of television shows, plays, and movies. Raised and produced the required amount of money for the production. Researched and gathered stories or plots that can be successful as a movie. Purchased the rights of the scripts and then raised the money required for producing the movie. Controlled and managed the finances of the production.Filmmaker, May 2004- December, San Francisco, CA ResponsibilitiesCollected and gathered stories suitable for a movie from various individuals or writers. Allocated and raised resources to finance the production or the movie. Coordinated and communicated with directors, actors, and producers. Controlled and kept an eye over the finances of the movie. Communicated and coordinated with the reklame media to ensure that adequate publicity is given to their production.EducationMasters Degree in Cinematography, 2004Yale UniversityBachelors Degree in Cinematography, 2002Yale University Customize ResumeMore Sample ResumesFilm Editor Resume Film Producer Resume Filmmaker Resume Fitness Manager Resume

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Nail the First 30 Days of a New Job

How to Nail the First 30 Days of a New JobHow to Nail the First 30 Days of a New JobCongratulations Youre starting a new job. Whether this is your first job or you are moving up the career ladder, starting a new job can be daunting. With all the new people, new products and new policies, it can get a bit overwhelming.Coming up on the conclusion of my own first 30 days at Simply Hired, I can already tell one thing the first 30 days matter. Here are a few suggestions to kick-start the next stretch of your career1. Review your job descriptionCarefully consider what your job description says and what you learned about the role while interviewing. What do you need to know about the company and the role to be an outstanding employee? Put a list of questions together.Some questions to considerWhat are my key projects/goals within the first 30-90 days?How does my team work with other parts of the organization?What are some of the metrics of success for my teams wertzuwachs?What can I do in 1 0 days? Twenty days? Thirty days?2. Read everythingAfter your onboarding and orientation process, you generally know what your company does and what youre going to be doing. Take this a step further. Read any and all available documentation about departmental and company history, processes and policies. If documentation doesnt exist, do the research, ask the right people for answers and write it yourself.3. Meet with your managerGet to know how your work will be evaluated. Schedule a meeting with your manager and go through your duties and mutual expectations. Be mindful of your managers communication style. By the end of your first session you should know what your performance metrics are. Dont forget to schedule a mutually convenient time for ongoing sessions.4. Schedule one-on-one meetings with your teamA great team works together much like a well-oiled machine. Each part is influenced by how the parts around it move, preventing them from clashing or working inefficiently. Set so me time aside, get together with your team, learn about what their roles are and assess where you fit into the machine.5. Ask questionsEvery recent hire has felt the pressure to quickly outpace the learning curve. A little pressure is always good, but dont feel like you have to know everything. Keep a notebook by your desk and make a list of questions. Youll be surprised at how many you cross off on your own.For the leftover questions, find available documentation and do the research. When you have whittled it down to four or five thoughtful questions, ask the right people. Listen carefully to how they answer your questions and where they got the information.6. Set your personal goalsIt can become easy to stay in your comfort zone and shy away from the aspects of your role you are uncertain about. The next time you feel uncomfortable, take a moment to assess that vulnerability. Why do you feel this way about this task? What are the steps you can take to remedy your feelings? Use you r answers to set some goals for personal and professional improvement.7. Maintain a balanced casual and professional attitudeNever compromise your professional ethics. Always be on time to meetings, deliver on your promises and be respectful of your colleagues. Try to contribute to the culture of your workplace. Let the people you work with get to know you. Be yourself, but also be mindful of your professional integrity. Your coworkers should be comfortable both relying on you and relaxing with you.8. Take a deep breathIts easier said than done, especially as a recent hire. The desire to prove yourself in your new role may be compelling, but remember to take care of yourself first. If the list of tasks and new things to learn seems insurmountable, take a deep breath, step back and give yourself a short break to clear your mind. Take a walk at lunch or stop by the gym for a workout on your way home. Make work a comforting and familiar place. Bring a totem to work- something to keep y ou grounded, perhaps a mug or picture frame.Your first 30 days are all about being organized. Having a plan will help you create value in the shortest amount of time possible, with the least amount of stress as possible. Good luck You can do it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why Staying in a Job You Hate May Be Good for You

Why Staying in a Job You Hate May Be Good for You Why Staying in a Job You Hate May Be Good for You Every day, I tell myself I want to be skinny. But what if I stopped and just accepted myself more instead?You may be wondering what this quote has to do with you and your career. The answer is everything.Many people havent yet reached their professional goals, or they are stuck in jobs with which theyre notlage happy. Perhaps youre one of these people. Rather than constantly reminding yourself that youre not where you want to be, you might be better off staying in a job you hate at least for the moment.Let me explainI was at the gym this weekend when I heard a twenty-something say the quote at the top of this post to her friend. I inserted myself into the conversation bytelling this woman that she was skinny, and that one day, in the future, she would look back on pictures of herself from this period of her life and realize how skinny she was.The conversation then shifted to our pro fessional lives. I learned that this woman was a lawyer a professionally unsatisfied lawyer. She said she spends most of the day reviewing contracts and legal documents in seclusion. Her work environment didnt even come close to the collaborative environment she longed for.I chimed in again. Why stay in a job youre unhappy with? I asked.Financial freedom was the biggest reason, she said. Then, she shared advice a friend had given her Suck it up. This is what you have to do if you want to play in the big leagues.We debated the merits of her staying versus her leaving. Ultimately, she seemed resigned to stay where she was for a few more years, at least until she felt she was in a better position to make a meaningful move.Rather than focus on whats making her unhappy in the present,this woman has decided to accept herself professionally for the time being. That way, she can focus on getting a better job in the future.Its not always easy to accept the things we dont like or that dont f ulfill us in the moment, nor is it easy to resist the urge to change the situation as soon aspossible. Staying in a job you dont like isnt the most common advice youll find on a career site. Its also not the right advice for everyone but neither is the advice to immediately seek out a new opportunity. Everything is relative to your situation and your future goals.In a world that places so much emphasis on the need to be happy, it can be easy to overlook what we gain through struggle. In fact, listening to your feelings isnt always the best way to make professional decisions. Certainly, your present happiness should be considered, but it should also be integrated with your long-term goals.Looking to make a change or even totally reinvent yourself? Before you make a decision based on your current emotions, ask yourself What do I stand to gain by staying in a jobI hate? What doI stand to lose?The answers will help you decide what your next move should be.A version of this article orig inally appeared on theAtrium Staffing blog.Michele Mavi isAtrium Staffings resident career expert.